Welcome to a More Restful Night's Sleep

Discover the natural way to enhance your sleep quality with Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese practice designed to harmonize your body, mind, and spirit.

Experience the transformation of your sleep patterns and wake up refreshed and revitalized every day.
A healthy, happy couple walks together holding hands
As Seen On...
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Five Benefits of Qi Gong for Better Sleep

1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Qi Gong helps calm your mind and reduces the stress and anxiety that can interfere with sleep.

2. Enhances Relaxation: The gentle movements and breathing exercises promote deep relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

"Embrace the natural benefits of Qi Gong and transform your nights"

3. Improves Circulation: Better blood circulation means more oxygen and nutrients reach your cells, supporting overall health and better sleep.

4. Balances Energy: Harmonizing your body's energy flow can help regulate sleep patterns, ensuring a more restful and uninterrupted sleep.

5. Boosts Overall Health: A healthy body supports a healthy sleep cycle. Qi Gong strengthens your immune system and improves your overall well-being.

What exactly is Qi Gong?

Qi Gong is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Lee transforms this ancient wisdom into a fun, safe and effective practice that delivers strength, flexibility, and improved emotional health.

The flowing movements of Qi Gong mimic the movements of nature to activate your body's innate healing power.
A group of four students practicing qi gong together in nature. This group of two men and two women have their arms extended to the sides with their eyes closed and heads facing forward. There are treetops in the near background with a mountain in the distance

The Connection between Restful Sleep and Qi Gong

Don't let poor sleep hold you back any longer. Whether you're new to Qi Gong or looking to deepen your practice, we have the perfect solutions to help you achieve restful, rejuvenating sleep. Here are some recent articles on improving sleep quality.

Recommended Video Routines

For more information and resources on Qi Gong and improving your sleep naturally, feel free to explore the Holden QiGong YouTube channel. Here are a few recommendations we think you'll find interesting:

Explore the Origins of Qi Gong

Qi Gong is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Lee transforms this ancient wisdom into fun, safe and effective practice that delivers strength, flexibility, and improved emotional health.Lee's personality in engaging and his classes quickly become the highlight of each day. Whether you practice for 7-minutes or hours, the benefits are yours to enjoy. If you tried the free exercises above, you already know you can activate your life-force energy anytime with a Qi Gong routine.
Dry puer tea with a cup of brewed tea on a black bamboo mat.
Lee teaching in the Holden QiGong studio. Lee is crouched with wide stance and his palms pressed together. He is shifting his weight from left to right.
Lee Holden teaching a Live Video Class in the Holden QiGong studio. Lee is leaning to his right with both arms reaching right and his left knee bent. Lee is wearing a royal blue long sleeved shirt and tan pants. There is a slate wall background with several plants behind Lee.
Lee teaching a Qi Gong class in the Holden QiGong studio. He is standing upright with his hands centered in front of him with hi right palm facing to his left, fingers pointed up. His left palm is facing right with fingers pointed forward. His legs are bent slightly with his feet shoulder length apart.

Activate Your Life-Force Energy

Lee Holden teaching a Live Video Class in the Holden QiGong studio. Lee is leaning to his right with both arms reaching right and his left knee bent. Lee is wearing a royal blue long sleeved shirt and tan pants. There is a slate wall background with several plants behind Lee.
Five of our most popular programs to get your Qi Gong practice going. Selections include Introduction to Qi Gong, Qi Gong for Longevity, and Qi Gong: the Seated Workout. Each program includes a short routine of about 20 minutes, and an extended 40-minute routine.
The Healing Series
A collection of 12 programs focused on specific health topics like Heart Health, Strength and Flexibility, Anxiety Relief, and Joint Health. The Healing Series programs were filmed in Croatia, They offer amazing Qi Gong with breathtaking backdrops, at an amazing value.
Holden QiGong Workshops
Deepen your engagement with a Qi Gong Workshop. Workshops are available live, or on-demand and focus on a wide variety of topics from Acupressure, Better Balance, Immune System support, and Improved Breathing. Each workshop is 3 hours with a combination of lecture, meditation, and guided Qi Gong practice with Lee.

Breathwork Online Course

In the Breathwork Online Course, Lee guides you along a specific path to help you use breathwork to develop a deep state of flow for relaxation, improved sleep and more positive energy. Learn techniques you can use anytime to deliver that "energized calm" required for deep, restful sleep.

The Holden QiGong Student Journey

Lee is building his life-force energy by practicing Qi Gong in nature. Lee is standing in a creek bed in the woods. His arms are in front of him with his left arm over his right arm with his left hand pointing downward. His right arm and hand are forming a large circle.
The programs and workshops above provide an excellent introduction into the benefits of Qi Gong for improving overall health and wellness.

We invite you to explore the Holden Qi Gong Student Pathway for a deeper exploration of cultivating your life-force energy through Qi Gong.
Discover Your Qi Gong Pathway