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2020 Workshop Bundle

The 2020 Workshop Bundle includes Holden QiGong’s top workshops from 2020. Featured workshops include Qi Gong for Stress Relief, Energy Flow for Vitality Workshop, Strength and Flexibility Workshop, Five Elements Series, and more. This bundle is ideal for practitioners looking to boost energy, build strength, and promote emotional balance. Suitable for all levels, this complete collection offers powerful tools to support your overall health and well-being through the art of Qi Gong.

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Program Description

In the Introduction to Qi Gong for Beginners Workshop, you’ll learn:

  • A simple, easy-to-follow set of Qi Gong movements. You can use this set daily to improve your strength and flexibility, calm your mind, and improve your health.
  • The foundational principles of Qi Gong. You’ll learn about Qi (life-force energy), the history of Qi Gong, and get an introduction to Chinese energy meridians.
  • Gentle, easy-to-practice movements to strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, and calm your mind.
  • How to harness your Qi (life-force energy) to improve your vitality. In the Introduction to Qi Gong Workshop, you’ll learn how to create a feeling of inner strength and vibrancy.
  • The rich history of Qi Gong. You’ll learn the “WHY” behind each movement and HOW to practice to stay relaxed, grounded, and energized.

In the Acupressure & Meridians for Self-Healing Workshop, you’ll learn:

  • How to use acupressure like an energetic “first aid kit.” You can use what you learn to help relieve pain and activate your body’s self-healing powers at any time.
  • A unique combination of both acupressure and Qi Gong to amplify the healing effects of both practices.
  • Which acupressure points to use to help relieve yourself (and others) from common ailments such as headaches, immune system imbalance, low back pain, and more.
  • How to massage the points and for how long… and how often to repeat the massage for the most effect.
  • Learn to identify certain pains, where they are coming from, and how to treat them with acupressure.
  • How to self-treat your own aches and pains with acupressure and Qi Gong.
  • Learn to self-treat (or help others with) back pain, sciatica, neck pain, upper back pain, lower back, knee, and shoulder pain by using specific acupressure point combinations.
  • How to find the points on your body and how to activate them for self-healing with Qi Gong and acupressure.

In the Microcosmic Orbit Workshop, you’ll learn:

  • How to recycle energy through your centers so you can continuously charge… and recharge your mind and body.
  • Exercises to properly seal “energetic leaks” that rob you of vital energy. Lee will show you how to contain and preserve vital life-force energy.
  • How to join your energetic orbit with the orbit of the Earth, Moon, and Stars… so you can tap into the divine wisdom of the universe.

The Eight Pieces of the Silk Brocade Workshop is for those who:

  • Are interested in learning an ancient Qi Gong practice made accessible to modern life.
  • Are compelled to combat stress, increase energy, and discover flow.
  • Want to do Qi Gong, get a Qi Gong practice started, or deepen an existing Qi Gong practice.
  • Don’t have a readily available teacher who is grounded and accessible to a modern audience.
  • Discover the most common pitfalls of manifestation (you don’t want to manifest what you don’t want) and how to avoid them.

In the Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop, you’ll learn:

  • A solid introduction and overview of the movements, flows, stretches and activations in the Wisdom Qi Gong practice… use these to help awaken your mind, and bring Qi up through your spine to stimulate your brain to deepen your mind/body connection.
  • How to access the wisdom in your body, the wisdom in your mind, and the wisdom of your energy using Qi Gong.
  • Excellent and in-depth descriptions of each movement, form, and flow used to help you tap into your body and energy’s innate wisdom to elevate your mind and your body and release stress, tension, and stagnant Qi.

In the Qi Gong for Seniors Workshop, you’ll learn:

  • ​Gentle, easy-to-follow movements to support longevity so you can maintain your inner radiance and age with grace.
  • Simple stretches to improve your flexibility and balance so you can protect yourself against nasty falls, accidents, and get out of pain FAST. Use these stretches first thing in the morning when you start your day, and before you sleep at night or anytime pain flares up.
  • ​A solid introduction and overview of the movements, flows, stretches and activations in the Wisdom Qi Gong practice… use these to help awaken your mind, and bring Qi up through your spine to stimulate your brain to deepen your mind/body connection.
  • A range of movements, stretches, and exercises you can combine to create the perfect flow for YOU and your body. When it comes to finding the right exercise for you, Lee says, “No pain. No pain.” Meaning, the movements should be effortless, enjoyable, and energizing.
  • How to improve range of motion. Your range of motion naturally decreases over time, but you can learn to bend, twist, and stretch free from pain once again using the movements from the workshop.
  • How to release stagnant Qi from stiff muscles, joints, and bones so your Qi flows freely once again.

Program Details

Running Time: Each workshop runs approximately 3 hours

Workshop Date: Each workshop was recorded in 2020

The workshop videos are available in both streaming and downloadable from your Holden QiGong Media Library.
Tip: Consult your health care professional before using this wellness program.
The instruction presented herein is not intended to be a substitute for medical counseling.

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