Rest and Restore Workshop


The 5-Step Evening Routine to Quiet Mental Chatter, Release Worry, and Sleep the Whole Night Through.
(Only 45 Minutes)

SKU: 129 Category:

Do you have an overactive mind full of worries? When the time comes to sleep, do you toss and turn and lie awake at night?

If so, you’re probably taking on too much of other people’s energy throughout the day.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s called “acquired Qi.” Other people’s energy can come from social media, the news, or from a random person at the grocery store. If you take on too much, you can start to feel anxious, stressed, and imbalanced.

But what if you could clear out this energy and finally get a full eight hours of sleep every night? You can by learning Lee’s Rest and Restore evening routine.

Lee designed the entire 6-step routine to help anyone…

  • Clear out stagnant, negative energy from the day
  • Fall asleep quickly and stay asleep all night long
  • Wake up feeling well-rested and full of energy for the day
  • Embrace rest, set clear boundaries, and seek sanctuary without any guilt or shame
  • Gently wind down from the day and take a “mini-vacation” from stress

*Note - The Rest and Restore Workshop is complementary to the Rise and Align Workshop. In Rise and Align, you’ll learn a morning routine to stay energized, focused, and balanced all day. Click here to learn more.

Running Time: 2:59:28
Workshop Date: September 4, 2022
The workshop videos are available in both streaming and downloadable from your Holden QiGong Media Library.

Tip: Consult your health care professional before using this wellness program.
The instruction presented herein is not intended to be a substitute for medical counseling.