Lee Holden Recruited by NASA For Groundbreaking Research Project

Lee Holden is used to receiving inquiries from high-profile companies and individuals, but last December, he received one that tops them all by far! Until this week, we’ve been under contract not to disclose any details, but we just received confirmation that we can now share this exciting development in Lee’s career.

It was a Friday morning when Lee got the call. He was mountain biking in the Santa Cruz mountains, coasting down a hill overlooking the ocean. Lee normally doesn’t answer unknown callers when he’s on his bike, but he had a funny feeling this was important. He hit the answer button and didn’t know what to expect.

The caller introduced himself as a Senior Research Engineer at NASA, familiar with Lee’s work. He said he recently took the Thirty-Day Challenge and loved it. 

After briefly discussing the Thirty-Day Challenge, the engineer cut to the chase: NASA is planning a trip to Mars, and they’re interested in learning how Qi Gong can help astronauts maintain healthy levels of neuro-electricity during space travel. Lee was immediately excited by the idea, but he first wanted to understand the challenges astronauts typically experience in space.

The NASA engineer explained that traveling short distances in space is generally pretty safe for the human body. However, longer trips can lead to a serious condition called “homodispolaria” (also known as Human Neuro-Electric Polarity Disorder), which weakens the body’s electrical currents. Severe cases can cause physical illness and cognitive impairment. Needless to say, this is an extremely bad thing to happen in space.

In an effort to address this issue, NASA has tested a variety of medications to treat homodispolaria, but none of them worked. Now, they’ve turned their attention to practice-based remedies, including Qi Gong. After having his questions answered, Lee happily agreed to participate in the study.

Lee’s Role in the NASA Research Program

NASA arranged a six-week study with multiple stages. The first stage took place in November of last year, during which Lee taught private Qi Gong classes to a select group of NASA astronauts. To establish statistical validity for the study, they also had a control group of astronauts who did not receive Qi Gong training. 

In December, the study moved to Stage 2, where the astronauts started testing Lee’s techniques in a simulated lab environment on Earth. The results showed that the test group could maintain higher levels of neural-electrical activity when put into zero-gravity conditions inside a water tank.

In January, the study progressed into its most exciting stage yet, Stage 3. On January 4th, Lee traveled to space with a group of four astronauts to conduct the first-ever space study of its kind. As planned, Lee taught three Qi Gong classes per day while circumnavigating the earth for three consecutive days. Although that’s not a long time, it felt like an eternity for the research team, who were tasked with producing clear findings with remarkable implications for the future of space travel. 

Remarkable Research Findings

The results were in. In just seventy-two hours, Qi Gong was proven to be effective in treating homodispolaria! Compared to the control group, Lee’s student-astronauts experienced a 76% increase in neural-electric activity after doing Qi Gong. This helped them remain more focused and alert, which, it turns out, is pretty dang important when you’re driving a spaceship. 

Not surprisingly, this is huge news for anyone who wants to travel through space. Before this research project, homodispolaria was believed to be untreatable, but Lee proved that theory false! After just one month of practice and three days in space, the entire paradigm for space travel flipped upside down (literally, the astronauts were doing somersaults in zero gravity when they learned the results). 

Of course, three days isn’t a long time compared to the time it takes to travel to Mars. But based on scientific projections, it seems likely that Lee’s Qi Gong practices would be effective for longer-term space travel, and there’s only one way to find out for sure.

What’s Next For Lee and NASA?

Inspired by these early findings, NASA has already indicated that they want Lee to be a part of their 2026 mission to Mars. If he agrees, Lee would become a crucial part of NASA’s astronaut preparation and training program.

NASA’s ten-year plan is to open a space station on Mars’ soil, where they would undoubtedly need a chief Qi Gong teacher. Tens years is a long time from now, but it’s certainly possible Lee would be considered for the role.

Unfortunately, if Lee’s research project with NASA continues to go well, he may be faced with a tough decision: Should he become a full-time member of the NASA space team or continue teaching non-astronaut students at Holden QiGong? We would be very disappointed to lose our beloved teacher, but we would certainly be very understanding of the immense opportunity. But for now, you don’t need to worry. Lee’s role with NASA is only part-time. 

We’re excited and optimistic for the impact of Lee’s work on future space travel.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for one final announcement.









APRIL FOOLS!!! As amazing as Lee’s Qi Gong classes are, he hasn’t (yet) been invited to work with NASA. Also, homodispolaria isn’t actually a real medical condition, we just made it up. However, if you’re interested in learning what he would have taught his astronaut students, be sure to check out the Thirty-Day Challenge.

Click on the banner below to learn powerful practices that have been scientifically proven to prevent homodispolaria. Oh, and Qi Gong also helps prevent stress and improve your energy levels (now that part is real!)

We wish you a fun and laughter-filled April Fools Day and look forward to seeing you in class soon.

March 31, 2023
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