What is it that allows a person to experience a feeling of clarity and inner strength? 

According to Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, this has a lot to do with the way in which your energy (Qi) flows throughout special energy pathways in your body called the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

When your Qi flows and circulates throughout your Eight Extraordinary Meridians, you feel a sense of inner strength and clarity. This empowers you to become deeply connected to your true purpose, enabling you to feel confident and clear in how you approach life.

In this blog, you’ll learn why the Eight Extraordinary Meridians are so important for clarity and inner strength. You’ll also get to try a seven-minute guided meditation to experience these benefits for yourself. 

What Are The Eight Extraordinary Meridians?  

Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong are based on the understanding that there are energy pathways that flow throughout your body. These are called meridians. Just like your arteries and blood vessels are used to move blood throughout your body, your meridians work the same way for your internal life-force energy—also known as Qi. 

Among your various meridians, you have twelve that are referred to as The Twelve Primary Meridians. These meridians circulate energy to your organs and other body tissues. 

You also have eight other meridians which are known as The Eight Extraordinary Meridians. These meridians circulate energy in a similar way as the Twelve Primary Meridians, but they also have some unique qualities.

Your Eight Extraordinary Meridians are closely connected to your primordial life force energy, also known as Jing Qi. This is your original Qi, which you inherited from your parents. You can think of it as the energy that embodies your own genetic makeup or your intrinsic uniqueness. When you’re able to circulate your Jing Qi through your Extraordinary Meridians, your entire body can be nourished by your original life-force energy. This is why these meridians are so powerful in helping you experience the feeling of inner strength. 

Your Eight Extraordinary Meridians are also connected to spiritual awareness and the divine. This means that you can use meridians to connect deeply with your true purpose and channel energy from the universe. In turn, you’re able to have a sense of clarity and direction as you move through life.

Each of your Eight Extraordinary Meridians is important, but the meditation below involves your Du and Ren meridians. Your Du meridian moves energy up the back of your body and is connected to your Ren meridian, which then brings energy down the front of your body and back to your lower abdomen. Together, they form a circle which is called The Microcosmic Orbit. 

Circulating Qi throughout the Microcosmic Orbit is an extremely powerful way to cultivate your Jing, connect to higher spiritual consciousness, and integrate your entire energy system.

Below, we’ll share a guided meditation so you can experience the Microcosmic Orbit practice for yourself.  

Seven-Minute Guided Meditation to Cultivate Clarity and Inner Strength

You can do this practice in either a sitting or standing position. If you choose to sit, try to sit upright in a chair with your feet planted flat on the floor. Let your hands lie gently on your thighs.

If you prefer to stand, stand with your back straight and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Let your hands rest in front of you as if you’re embracing a tree.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you bring your attention to your tailbone directly below your spine. Then, on your inhale, visualize energy moving from your tail and up your spine all the way to the top of your head. 

At the top of your inhale, feel the energy filling up your head. Then, exhale slowly and visualize your energy moving down the front of your body as it passes through your neck, chest, and belly. 

At the bottom of your exhale, feel your energy moving in your lower abdomen, which is also referred to as your Lower Tan Tien. This is where your Jing energy resides.

Now, repeat that process. Inhale slowly and feel your energy moving up the back of your spine and into your head. This time, as you inhale, squeeze your pelvic muscles as you send energy up your spine. 

Feel your Qi circulating in your head, providing nourishment to your mind. Then, exhale slowly as you move the energy down the front of your body until it returns to your lower abdomen.

On your inhale, squeeze your pelvic muscles a little more firmly and feel the energy flowing up your back through the Du meridian until it reaches your head. Pause for a moment at the top of your inhale and feel the Qi in your mind connect to the cosmos above you. Visualize that you’re taking in divine energy and guidance from the entire universe.

Then, on your exhale, move that energy down the front of your body through the Ren meridian until it reaches your Lower Tan Tien. Feel your Jing blending with divine energy, infusing your being with strength and clarity. 

Continue doing this practice for several more minutes. Inhale slowly as your Qi moves up your Du meridian to your head and gathers energy from the universe. Then exhale slowly as you move energy down the Ren until it gathers in your Lower Tan Tien. 

This circulation of energy is The Microcosmic Orbit. With each breath and circulation, feel the energy within you become stronger and more vital. As you do this practice, you’re blending and integrating your Jing energy and connecting more deeply with the cosmos around you. 

When you’ve done this Microcosmic Orbit practice for several minutes, bring your Qi back to your Lower Tan Tien and place your hands over your lower abdomen. Take a few deep breaths as you center your energy in your Lower Tan Tien. When you’re ready, open your eyes, move your body a bit, and take that feeling of centeredness, strength, and clarity with you for the rest of your day. 

If you’re interested in learning more practices designed to help you strengthen your internal energy and cultivate clarity, be sure to check out The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Online Course.

Charge Up Your Energy System and Connect to Your True Purpose…

In The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Online Course, you’ll discover how these meridians are different from the 12 primary meridians, and why they’re so important. You’ll also learn how to tap into these meridians so you can access your own internal store of energy. When you know how to work with these meridians in a skillful way, it empowers you to experience healing, vitality, and inner strength.

This is a unique opportunity because most Traditional Chinese Medicine trainings don’t focus on these meridians. In addition to gaining an in-depth understanding of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, you’ll also have the chance to have your questions answered directly by Lee. 

Click on the banner below to learn more about The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Online Course to tap into your full inner potential.