Two Qi Gong Exercises to Boost Your Immune System This Fall

women standing in the woods with the sun setting in the background behind the trees

The season of fall brings many gifts, but it also brings cooler temperatures that can challenge your immune system. Fortunately, Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong offer some simple yet effective techniques to boost your immune system in preparation for the colder months ahead.

In this blog, you’ll learn two Qi Gong exercises that help fortify your immune system, helping you stay healthy and well throughout fall and winter. You’ll also discover some of the important gifts that the season has to offer.

Releasing the Past and Cultivating Strength for the Future

In Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, the season of fall is closely connected to the Metal Element and your lungs. Your Metal Element and lungs help you learn how to let go of the past and cultivate vitality for the present and future.

In a physical sense, your lungs are constantly releasing carbon dioxide and taking in fresh, nourishing oxygen. In doing so, your lungs are constantly fueling you with essential energy that your body needs to survive.

In addition to this physical process of the lungs, your lungs also operate on an energetic level. With each breath you’re letting go of old emotional energy, and taking in new inspiration and vitality for the future.

Not only does this process help you process your thoughts and emotions more effectively, but it also helps fortify your immune system. When you exhale, your body naturally releases old energy, which is referred to as noxious Qi. On your inhale, your body naturally takes in nourishment from the world around you. For these reasons, your breath is an important part of most immune-boosting Qi Gong exercises.

Below, you’ll learn two Qi Gong exercises that use the power of your breath and movement to cultivate a stronger immune system for the season of fall.

Two Qi Gong Exercises to Boost Your Immune System  

To begin, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Place one hand over your lower abdomen and the other over your chest.

Now, start taking slow, deep breaths. On your inhale, try to first expand your belly, then your ribs, and then your chest. On your exhale, empty oxygen out of your chest, then your rib cage, and then your belly.

Breathe slowly and focus your mind on each inhale and exhale. As you breathe, feel your body relax a little bit more with each breath.

On your inhale, visualize fresh, nourishing energy flowing into your body. Feel that energy move and circulate within you.

On your exhale, imagine that you’re letting go of old, stagnant energy. Try to feel any pent-up emotional energy leaving your body, creating space for inspiration and vitality.

Continue doing slow, deep breathing for a few minutes. When you’re ready, bring your hands down to the sides of your body.

Next, continue breathing slowly, but now, raise your hands upward on your inhale until they’re directly above your head. Then, bring your hands down slowly on your exhale until they’re just below your waist.

Continue this movement for a few minutes. Inhale slowly as you bring your hands up until they’re above your head. Then, exhale slowly as you bring your hands downward as they return to your waist.

As with the first breathing exercise, continue to visualize nourishing Qi flowing into your body on your inhale and old energy releasing with your exhale. By synchronizing your breath with slow movements, you’re able to tap into your energy system on a deeper level.

You can do these exercises for as long as you want. When you’re ready, bring your feet together, take a few deep breaths, and take that feeling of vitality and relaxation with you into the rest of your day.

If you enjoyed these exercises and want to learn more Qi Gong practices for letting go of old energy and boosting your immune system, be sure to check out our on-demand Qi Gong for Fall Workshop.

Learn More Qi Gong Exercises to Boost Your Immune System…

In our on-demand Qi Gong for Fall Workshop, you’ll discover a variety of powerful practices designed to strengthen your immune system. These exercises work by cultivating the gifts of the Metal Element and your lungs.

This workshop is led by master Qi Gong teacher Lee Holden. Because it’s an on-demand workshop, you can watch the lessons whenever you want from the comfort of your own home.

Click on the banner below to learn how Qi Gong can help you let go of the past and cultivate vitality this fall season.

October 15, 2024
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