The Year of the Water Tiger: What it Means for 2022

It’s the Chinese new year, which means that new energies are emerging within and around us. Today, February 1st, we turn the page in the Chinese calendar and prepare to welcome the year of the Water Tiger.

Every twelve years, we get to experience the Tiger. However, it’s only every sixty years that we get to encounter the Water Tiger. 

Since 2022 is about both the Tiger and Water element, both of those energies will be strong and present for the next twelve months. If we pay attention, we can harness the Water Tiger’s powerful gifts in our own lives.

In this article, we discuss the Tiger and Water element. We also talk about how the alchemy of these two energies can blend together to create some unique opportunities. 

Qualities of the Tiger

Tigers are majestic, strong, and brave. They roam the forest without fear or worry, doing as they please in their jungle habitat. 

The Tiger embodies the qualities of courage, fortitude, resilience. Within humans, this energy can inspire us to push past limitations, overcome obstacles, and create change in our lives. If there’s anything you want to accomplish, the year of the Tiger is a great time to put ideas into action.

The qualities of the Tiger can apply to all aspects of life, including work, relationships, or personal goals.

Within work, Tiger energy can help us find passion and motivation in what we do. It can drive us to overcome barriers and achieve new levels of success and fulfillment. This is true whether we’re seeking to grow in our current career, or change paths altogether.

In relationships, Tiger energy can help rekindle passion, as well as break free from unhealthy patterns.  

For personal aspirations, the Tiger can help us take action and strive to reach our goals. This can help us in areas of health, financial matters, or overall ‘life-management.’ 

Although Tiger energy has many gifts, it’s not without its weaknesses…

The Tiger’s ‘Negative’ Qualities

The Tiger’s fiery and courageous energy can drive us to accomplish great things, but it can also be destructive if we let it get the best of us. 

When Tiger energy gets out of control, our tempers can get heated and our actions can become impulsive. This can lead to people acting out in unhealthy and harmful ways.

Just as the year of the Tiger provides us with the opportunity to create and accomplish, it also carries with it the possibility of loss and ‘failure.’ For these reasons, it’s important to be aware of the intense and powerful energies at play during the year of the Tiger.

On a societal level, Tiger energy can sometimes contribute to political conflicts or unrest. Similar to how this energy operates on an individual level, this can lead to either intensely positive or negative changes in the world.

Qualities of the Water Element

The Water element and the Tiger have an interesting relationship with one another. In many ways, their energies blend together synergistically. 

The Water element is closely connected to our emotions. Since the Tiger embodies several potent energies (i.e. passion), the two can combine to create some strong emotional experiences. Again, these can take us to exciting peaks or challenging valleys. 

Additionally, Water has the powerful qualities of flow and flexibility. This makes it immensely powerful.

Unlike other elements, Water can easily pass by obstacles to reach its destination. Just imagine a river flowing around rocks and mountains as it journeys toward the sea.

This quality can manifest within humans, as well. For us, the Water element can help us to move past challenges and find success in our goals. Instead of pushing up against barriers, the Water element can help us adapt to our environment and see new paths forward. When you combine Water’s quality of flow with the Tiger’s qualities of resilience and passion, great things are possible!

Harnessing the Gifts of the Water Tiger

For all of the reasons mentioned above, the year of the Water Tiger invites us to work toward our goals with renewed inspiration. Because all of us are unique, the energy of the Water Tiger will manifest differently in each of us. 

Many of us have recently established our new year’s resolutions at the beginning of January. However, it can still be a great idea to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitments or add entirely new aspirations to our list of intentions.

If you’re feeling called to reestablish your intentions, take out a piece of paper and a pencil. Write down all of your goals with clarity and purpose. As you write them down, imagine the energy of the Water Tiger supporting you in this process.

Remember, the Water Tiger invites us to overcome challenges and accomplish our goals! 

Perhaps some of your goals relate to your career, others to your relationships, and some to your personal hobbies or interests. Just write down whatever goals or intentions feel important to you.

If any of your goals relate to establishing or strengthening your personal wellness practice, be sure to check out our free two-week Qi Gong trial.

Two Weeks of Free Online Qi Gong Classes

When you sign up for our free two-week trial, you’ll gain immediate access to two weeks of free Qi Gong classes taught by master teacher, Lee Holden. 

These classes are offered online, which means that you can practice Qi Gong from the comfort of your own home. If you like them, you’ll then have the opportunity to sign up for Lee’s ongoing, weekly lessons to help you cultivate a consistent practice. 

For many students, Qi Gong is an invaluable practice for cultivating emotional balance, mental clarity, and physical vitality. Whether you’re seeking to reduce stress or experience more energy in everyday life, Qi Gong can help you along your wellness journey.

Click on the banner below to learn more about the healing benefits of Qi Gong and give it a try today. 

January 31, 2022
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