Have you ever had a personal interaction where someone really got under your skin?
In such situations, it can be easy to point your finger and blame them for how you feel. “If only that person wasn’t so rude, I wouldn’t feel upset right now!”
Although you don’t have the power to control other people or your external environment, you do have the power to protect yourself from the negative energy so it doesn’t affect you as much.
In this blog, you’ll learn three Qi Gong tips that can help protect your internal energy so you feel calm and at peace, even in the face of challenging external circumstances. But first, let’s start with a discussion of pathogenic Qi.
In Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, pathogenic Qi essentially refers to harmful energy. Pathogenic Qi can take many forms, including negative emotional energy, toxic communication, or sickness and illness.
When you let pathogenic Qi enter your mind and body, it can have a profoundly negative effect on all parts of your being. Emotionally, you may feel upset, angry, and reactive. If pathogenic Qi is held in your body, it can sometimes manifest in the form of sickness or illness.
In the external world, there are many different sources of pathogenic Qi. The news, politics, and challenging personal interactions can all carry pathogenic Qi that you must face in daily life.
Not surprisingly, the way in which you relate to pathogenic Qi has a significant impact on your well-being. If you’re constantly absorbing pathogenic Qi into your body, you’ll likely feel chronically irritable, angry, or stressed out. On the other hand, if you’re able to protect your energy and keep pathogenic Qi at bay, it will be much easier to stay calm, centered, and at peace, even when the world around you is challenging.
Here are three Qi Gong tips to help you protect your internal energy from pathogenic Qi.
To protect your internal energy, it’s important to first identify pathogenic Qi when you see it.
This step may seem simple, but it’s very powerful. If you can acknowledge pathogenic Qi when you encounter it, you can choose to work with it in a skillful way. Generally, this means choosing to not let the negative external energy enter your own personal energy system.
Without identifying pathogenic Qi and working with it in a skillful way, this negative energy can enter your energy system without your even consciously noticing. Just think about a situation in which you reacted to a situation and became angry and upset. In such a situation, the negative external energy became part of your own energy system, even though you weren’t consciously aware that was happening.
Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong focus on teaching how to create space between the energy around you and your own internal energy. For example, when you encounter a challenging social interaction, you’re able to distinguish between the other person’s energy and your own. Regardless of what the other person says, you can choose to not let that person’s energy become your own.
This skill of recognizing pathogenic Qi and not letting it into your own energy system can serve you in all aspects of life.
Do you ever struggle to say “no” even when your heart and mind knows that you should set a clear boundary?
Whether it’s due to shame, embarrassment, or another feeling, many individuals have a hard time setting clear boundaries. This is especially true for people who are highly empathic and have a tendency to want to please others.
Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong teach us that your internal energy is of utmost importance. Therefore, it’s not worth disregarding your own internal needs to appeal to your external environment.
There are many ways to set boundaries depending on the situation. Sometimes, setting boundaries means refusing to participate in a dynamic that feels unhealthy. At other times, it might mean speaking up for yourself or someone else in a firm yet compassionate way. And in some cases, it might mean saying “no” when someone has demands that you don’t want to meet.
Remember, setting boundaries is not selfish. Rather, it’s a form of self-care that allows you to stay centered and connected to yourself.
To stay energetically protected, it’s important to cultivate and strengthen your internal energy so you aren’t thrown off by the challenges that life throws at you.
When your energy is strong and vital, you’re less sensitive to pathogenic Qi. For example, try to think of a time you were having fun with friends and your heart was filled with joy. In such a situation, you’d probably be much less alarmed by encountering a rude stranger compared to a time when you were feeling depleted.
There are many ways to cultivate your internal energy. Generally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you maintain strong and resilient energy. Following a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are all great ways to keep your energy strong and resilient.
Additionally, it’s important to attune your mind to the frequencies of energy that you wish to experience. If you focus on the qualities of joy and inspiration, those qualities will flourish within you.
By strengthening these powerful energies within yourself, you’ll be more resilient when you encounter pathogenic Qi in the world around you. This allows you to stay calm and connected to yourself, even in the face of challenging social interactions or toxic media sources.
Certain Qi Gong practices and meditations are specifically aimed at helping you protect your energy. These practices work by helping you learn how to work skillfully with your own internal energy on a deep and powerful level. This allows you to cultivate heightened energetic awareness, keep pathogenic Qi away, and strengthen your internal energy.
If you’d like to put theory into practice and learn these Qi Gong exercises for yourself, be sure to sign up for the on-demand Qi Gong for Energy Protection Workshop.
In the on-demand Qi Gong for Energy Protection Workshop, you’ll learn powerful Qi Gong practices designed to help you cultivate energetic strength and resilience. In doing so, you’re able to move through life without taking on all of the unpleasant energies that the world presents you with. Because this is an on-demand workshop, you can enjoy the lessons whenever you want from the comfort of your own home.
Knowing how to protect your energy can help you in numerous ways, including in your relationships, your work, and even when it comes to reading or watching the news. Click on the banner below to learn more and discover how the Qi Gong for Energy Protection Workshop can empower you to live a more centered, relaxed, and joyful life.