September 1, 2018

Teacher Training Workshop

Welcome! Please enter your password in the video player, below, and click "Play Now".


Ask a Question

You may ask questions at any time. The team will add them to Lee's Q&A document, to be answered during the next question and answer period.

Have a question for Lee?

Common Questions

  • Where is the player?

    You should see the video player, above, unless you’re on a phone. You’ll need a tablet or computer to view the workshop. If you still don’t see the player, you may not have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Please try using a different browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox.

  • The stream was just live and now it is saying it is over? What happened?

    This may happen if something goes wrong on our end, or we got disconnected from the stream. Just stick with us for a few minutes, and try refreshing this page a couple of times. We will be back on air in no time!

  • What if I want to ask a question?

    Click the “Join the Chat Room” button, above. You may also ask Lee questions about today’s topics via email at [email protected]. If you have any technical issues, or need any other support, you may also ask them at that same email address.

  • Help! I cannot hear any sound!

    Check that the video isn’t muted – click the loudspeaker icon in the bottom left side of the viewer and ensure the volume is up. The browser tab or window may be muted, as well. If that doesn’t work, try refreshing the page. If you still don’t hear any sound, please try switching to either the Google Chrome or Firefox browser.

  • The stream is choppy or it keeps on stopping and starting.

    Close all windows except this one and try to shut down all other applications. If possible, plug an ethernet cable into your router and your computer, rather than using Wi-Fi. There is also a button in the lower-right corner you can use to reduce the video’s bandwidth. If this still doesn’t resolve the issue, your connection may simply be too slow for streaming video.

  • The video player is stuck in the past!

    Try using the scrubber on the bottom of the video player to go all the way to the right of the timeline.